五本儿童好书推荐 5 Books Your Child Should Read
Written By: Jo Ee & MZZ
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life,” acclaimed author Mark Twain had once said. This statement has proven timeless - for many of our children, books provide the ultimate source of comfort and knowledge. They are windows to magical worlds starkly different from the gripping everyday realities of schoolwork and a growing sense of pandemic fatigue. More importantly, they are benevolent educators that instil moral values, cultural practices, and learning concepts from generation to generation.
Here at JSIM Education, we have compiled our top 5 book picks that are guaranteed to take your children on an exciting and educational escapade!
1.《这才是新加坡》(适合年龄 11至14 岁的孩童阅读)
(suitable for children aged 11 to 14)
《这才是新加坡》is a Singapore-themed Chinese illustration book for school-going children.
It is easy to feel sian these days, especially with the tightened Covid-19 measures that make it difficult to go out and play.《这才是新加坡》jazzes things up, however, by bringing readers on a fun journey around the little red dot without having to step out of the house!
Flip open the vibrantly coloured book and be greeted by a vivid drawing of the Merlion, which is one of Singapore’s most symbolic landmarks. This is followed by several sections depicting life in Singapore, from the cohabitation of Singaporeans of different races under one HDB block, to the many interesting tourist destinations that can be found in the city and heartland alike.
With every page, discover something new about this jewel of an island (FYI, did you know that the Marina Bay Sands’ rooftop garden is large enough to hold 4 Airbus A380s? We certainly didn’t) and fall deeper in love with its many wonders!
《这才是新加坡》uncovers interesting facts about Singapore, such as its extensive efforts in the areas of rainwater harvesting and water treatment.
And if that isn’t cool enough,《这才是新加坡》also comes with a《我的旅行手账》handbook that readers can complete interactive activities on and create precious “travel” memories from - think watching local films like the critically acclaimed Ilo Ilo, or taking a leisurely stroll at the MacRitchie Treetop Walk!
2.《典故300则》(适合年龄 9至12 岁的孩童阅读)
(suitable for children aged 9 to 12)
《典故300则》is a classical-themed illustration book featuring a series of historically-acclaimed short stories.
While most of us and our kids might have been taught Chinese proverbs and idioms in school, how many of us know of their historical origins? This aspect of the Chinese language, while constituting a significant element of Chinese culture, is largely overlooked today.
《典故300则》raises awareness on this with its extensive collection of timeless tales, such as the interesting story behind the creation of the commonly-used phrase 耳边风. This phrase was reportedly first spotted in ancient poet Du Xunhe’s piece titled《赠题兜率寺闲上人院》where Du used 耳边风 to express the insignificance of passing remarks on one’s emotional well-being. For many of us, it might be the first time hearing of this phrase’s historical origins, despite using it so often in our Chinese compositions!
To further attract readers’ interest, the book also comes with hanyu pinyin, eye-catching illustrations, and a CD that is not only perfect for auditory learners, but also younger readers who might find it difficult to understand complex words or read longer passages!
3.《大闹天宫》(适合年龄 5至8 岁的孩童阅读)
(suitable for children aged 5 to 8)
《大闹天宫》is a 3-dimensional (3D) book detailing the events leading up to the legendary Uproar in Heaven.
《大闹天宫》is also packed with vivid drawings that will wow the pickiest of readers.
Many of us may have heard of the legendary Monkey King in Chinese history, Sun Wukong, but just how many of us can recount the story of his Uproar in Heaven? Do we know how it all pans out for the adventurous protagonist?
Keep up with Chinese history with《大闹天宫》- a beautifully-designed 3D book that comes with vivid drawings of landmarks and characters central to this ancient tale, from Sun Wukong’s homeland 花果山 to Sun Wukong himself. Get ready to be immersed in the mystifying journey that Sun Wukong embarks on!
The book also comes with a QR code that brings readers to the famous《大闹天宫》movie when scanned - perfect for those who not only want to learn more about Sun Wukong and his exciting adventures, but also those who like to wind down with movie nights!
4. How It Works Series
(suitable for children aged 13 to 18)
英文书籍方面, “How It Works” 系列的书籍也是相当实用。它有历史、科学、科技三个分类,为充满十万个为什么的读者朋友解惑答疑,尤其适合中学和初院学生。其中,有一本关于编程(Coding)的书格外有趣,紧扣当下流行的编程热潮,使学生了解到在这个数码时代,编程起到了怎样一份作用。 (108-143页)在游戏中(如《我的世界》/ ‘Minecraft’)也可以运用这些编程技巧哦!(30-39页)这本书还会教一些基础操作,主要围绕Pi和Python。(26-51页;86-105页)我们可以通过书上的指示,一步步摸索,亲手操作学习编程哦!
‘Coding Made Simple’, a book about the basics of programming from the ‘How It Works’ Technology Series.
The ‘How It Works’ series is perfect for seasoned readers looking beyond the typical fantasy folktales and romantic love stories. Comprising the History, Science, and Technology subseries, books under the ‘How It Works’ series explore the most common but unaddressed questions that people have, from the world’s most fascinating inventions to the origins of the iconic Cold War. No matter your interests, there is guaranteed to be something for you!
‘Coding Made Simple’ is a book from the ‘How It Works’ series that is sure to appeal to technology geeks, students looking to improve their programming skills for academic projects, or anyone else interested in this hot topic!
Through exploring the practical uses of programming in popular games like Minecraft, to the fundamentals of programming commands, the detailed but simple explanations provided in ‘Coding Made Simple’ are guaranteed to guide even the most beginner of programmers to coding success!
5. My Amazing Body
(suitable for children aged 7 to 9)
“My Amazing Body” 介绍人体结构,孩子们可以一层层翻开,了解人体系统。从骨骼,到消化系统,再到神经,血液循环系统和肌肉系统。真的是太方便又易懂了!学前儿童可以亲自探索,明白人体的奇妙之处。这也可以培养他们对科学的兴趣,之后小学更深入学习时也不会太陌生!
想让孩子们阅读以上书籍,开阔视野,度过一个充实的假期吗?前往 www.jsimeducation.com.sg 了解更多吧!
‘My Amazing Body’ is a fascinating body-shaped book that educates children on their body and its many vital parts.
Are your young ones curious to learn about the human body and how its constituent parts keep us alive and kicking (literally)? If so, ‘My Amazing Body’ is the perfect book for you!
Designed to resemble a human body, ‘My Amazing Body’ takes readers on an eye-opening journey around the body and its many parts, from vital organs like the heart to more overlooked parts like the skin. More importantly, it educates readers on the important roles that each body part plays, and encourages them to keep these parts healthy by taking good care of themselves.
Take the first step to enrich your child’s learning by checking these 5 books out at www.jsimeducation.com.sg!